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447 Foleys Rd
Deer Park, Melbourne, VIC 3023

P: 1800 147 157

Pillow Smell

Our pillows are manufactured with a range of supportive materials. As with anything new there is often a smell to it whether it be a new car or baking fresh out of the oven, and our pillows are no different.

We manufacture our own specialty foams allowing us to innovate and produce foam with specialist support properties. Our specialist foam pillows are manufactured utilising these foams in different combinations creating pillows with unique comfort, support and temperature support properties.

Our foams are also safe for those suffering from allergies, as we also treat our foam with Ultra-fresh that has anti-microbial properties and helps reduce allergens.

However, just like a freshly baked cake, our foams can have a new smell to them.

Because of this it may take a few weeks for the new smell to dissipate completely.
If you notice a smell when you unwrap your new pillow, we recommend that you let your pillow breathe before covering it for the first time and again when changing the pillow protector and pillow case over the first few weeks.

Our pillows are manufactured to the highest safety standards so you can rest assured in the knowledge that you or your family will be sleeping safely on your new pillow.

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